Baseball for All Fun Day@SummerFest 2018

Hong Kong Baseball Association (HKBA) will co-organize with Central Venue Management (CVM) Baseball
for All Fun Day on Saturday, 9 June 2018, 10am to 5pm at Central Harbourfront Event Space.  To introduce
modified baseball games, play with safety equipment in a smaller area, below please find the programme
details.  Free admission.

◇ Baseball5

Just a ball to play the game, a new five-on-five street version that can be played anywhere.

Baseball Six

With 6 players instead of 9, to play in a smaller area (a triangle-shape field instead of diamond-shape)
with modified and safety equipment, simplified the game by using Coach Pitch or Rolling Tee, to speed
up the game and make it more exciting and enjoyable to everyone.

Wheelchair Baseball

Wheelchair baseball has been held in Japan and the United States for many years, and there are also
wheelchairs and baseball international competitions. The purpose of this is to provide disabled people
with more leisure activities so that they can also experience sports fun.

XII BFA East Asia Baseball Cup 2018

To promote the upcoming international event, XII BFA East Asia Baseball Cup 2018 that to be held in
Hong Kong on 24-28 June 2018.  Introduce Hong Kong Team Players, pre-sale of event souvenir.


Registraion:All pre-registered participants will receive a free gift. First come, first serve.
HKBA Online Registration System - Quick Enrollment, open to any guests

Pre-registration deadline: 5 June 2018

Enquiry: Hong Kong Baseball Association 2504 8330 or email

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