Baseball5 教練培訓

According to the recommendation of the Hong Kong Coaching Committee (HKCC), the coach accreditation programme included four parts:

甲部:體育運動通論 (由本會安排; 持有香港教練培訓委員會認可資歷課程證書者可豁免修讀此部)
(Part A) Sports General Theory (Deliver by BAHKC; candidates with relevant professional qualifications that the HKCC recognizes can be exempted from taking this part)

乙部:棒球運動理論 (由本會安排及/或世界棒壘球總會教授)
(Part B) Sport-specific Theory (Deliver by BAHKC and/or the World Baseball Softball Confederation, "WBSC")

丙部:棒球運動實習課 (由本會安排)
(Part C) Sport-specific Practical (Deliver by BAHKC)

(Part D) Coaching Practice Experience (Assign by BAHKC)

學員必須於甲、乙及丙部中取得合格,方可進行丁部之教學及比賽管理實習,各級別之實習時數均不同. 由本會安排.
Candidates who passed the assessment in parts (A), (B) and (C) will conduct part (D) coaching practice experience to be assigned by BAHKC.

Baseball5 教練課程

WBSC 於2018年推出Baseball5這項街頭版的新興運動,旨在讓任何年齡的男女都可以隨時享受運動的樂趣。Baseball5摒除傳統棒球林林總總的裝備,只需一個空心橡膠球,徒手把球擊出便可。大大降低飛球打破東西或被砸受傷的風險。

由2021年起,本會將 WBSC 推出的網上 Coaching 及 Baseball5 證書課程納入為本課程(乙部)之一。理論課均以網上教學(錄影教學)形式進行,學員可以根據自己的程度及時間去學習,學員需要主動性學習。

WBSC Academy: Baseball5: Course for coaches and game officials lessons:
Lesson Title Description
1. Game, field and differences between Baseball, Softball and Baseball5 An introduction to Baseball5: Overview of the basic rules, differences between Baseball, Softball and Baseball5, different ways to set-up the field.
2. The Rulebook A deep look into the official WBSC Baseball5 Rulebook.
3. The game officials A deep look into field officials mechanics and table official duties.
4. Official paperwork and scoring Analysis of an entire game and a brief explanation on how to fill-in the official Baseball5 line-up and score cards.
5. Defensive training and warm-up Overview on how to structure a warm-up and defensive training sessions.
6. Hitting technique and strategy A brief look into the common mistakes and a few drills to develop proper mechanics.
7. Game preliminaries, game strategies and practice planning Practical application of the most common game strategies and basic knowledge on practice planning.
Lesson Title
1. Game, field and differences between Baseball, Softball and Baseball5
An introduction to Baseball5: Overview of the basic rules, differences between Baseball, Softball and Baseball5, different ways to set-up the field.
2. The Rulebook
A deep look into the official WBSC Baseball5 Rulebook.
3. The game officials
A deep look into field officials mechanics and table official duties.
4. Official paperwork and scoring
Analysis of an entire game and a brief explanation on how to fill-in the official Baseball5 line-up and score cards.
5. Defensive training and warm-up
Overview on how to structure a warm-up and defensive training sessions.
6. Hitting technique and strategy
A brief look into the common mistakes and a few drills to develop proper mechanics.
7. Game preliminaries, game strategies and practice planning
Practical application of the most common game strategies and basic knowledge on practice planning.

如有興趣成為 Baseball5 教練,請登記為本會網上用戶,可優先知道課程的發布。


>> 教練培訓課程資料請參看>訓練課程>技術員訓練>


1. 教練是運動員/學員的模楷, 無論在任何場合, 以身作則, 保持良好的專業形像;
2. 確保運動員/學員及工作人員在安全的環境下進行活動;
3. 每位運動員/學員均有其讓人欣賞之處, 教練應以正面、鼓勵及讚賞的方法指導;
4. 教導運動員參與公平競賽, 遵守比賽規則, 尊重對手、裁判及工作人員;
5. 避免作出騷擾及歧視行為, 包括性騷擾、種族、殘疾及性別歧視等等, 以免觸犯《種族歧視條例》、《殘疾歧視條例》和《性別歧視條例》;
6. 根據《個人資料(私隱)條例》, 採取合理措施, 保障運動員/學員的個人資料;
7. 避免與運動員/學員或其家長另行建立個人、財政或其他形式的關係, 以避免利益衝突;
8. 不可接受運動員/學員或其家長的禮物或饋贈, 以免觸犯《防止賄賂條例》;
9. 定期參與教練延續培訓活動, 致力保持及提高本身的技術水平。




